Privacy Policy

Article 1 (Purpose)

The purpose of these Terms and Conditions is to specify the user’s rights and obligations in using the Internet-related services (hereinafter, “the service”) provided by the Seoul Hallyu website (hereinafter, “website”) operated by the Seoul Metropolitan Government.

Article 2 (Definition)

① “Website” means the website which the Organization provides to the “users” for the purposes of trading and promoting various contents or experiential products.

② “User” means a non-member who accesses the “website” and receives the services provided by the “website” in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

③ “Non-member” means an individual who does not subscribe for membership but uses the services provided by the “website.”

Article 3 (Articulation and Explanation and Amendment of the Terms and Conditions)

① The “website” shall be posted in the initial service screen of the “website” to ensure that the users can easily identify the contents of these Terms and Conditions, tradename and the name of the representative, address of the business office (including the address where the consumers can process their complaints), telephone number, e-mail address, business registration number, and privacy manager. However, the contents of these Terms and Conditions can be made available to the users via the connection screen.

② The “website” shall obtain a confirmation from the users by providing a separate connection screen or a pop-up screen so that the users can understand important contents of the contents defined before the users agree to the Terms and Conditions.

③ The “website” may amend these Terms and Conditions to the extent that they do not violate the relevant laws such as the “Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions” and the “Act on the Promotion of Information Network Use and Information Protection, Etc.”

④ In case of amending the Terms and Conditions on the “website”, the date of the amendment’s application and the reasons for the amendment shall be specified and posted on the initial screen of the “website” together with the current Terms and Conditions from 15 days before the effective date until the day before the effective date. However, if the contents of the agreement are changed unfavorably against the users, the changes to the Terms and Conditions shall be notified to the user with at least 30 days’ advance grace period. In this event, the “website” shall clearly compare the contents before and after the amendment, and display them as for the users to easily understand.

⑤ In the case of amending the Terms and Conditions on the “website,” the amended Terms and Conditions shall apply only to the contracts executed after the effective date of the application of the amendment, and the previously executed contracts shall be subjected to the provisions of the Terms and Conditions before the amendment. However, if the users who already executed the contracts transmit the intention to be subjected to the provisions of the amendment to the “website” within the notice period of the amendment pursuant to Paragraph 3 and obtain consent of the “website,” they shall be subjected to the provisions of the amended Terms and Conditions.

Article 4 (Provision and Change of the Service)

① The “website” performs the following businesses.

1. Provide information such as images and photos about contents or experiential products

2. Introduce experiential products and connect purchases of private partners (product suppliers and platform companies)

3. Other “website” businesses

Article 5 (Term and Termination of Service)

① The service period of the users (non-members) is from the day they visit the “website” until the end of the service use period.

② The “website” may temporarily suspend the service for any reason such as maintenance, inspection, replacement, failure of the information and communications equipment such as computer, failure of communication, etc., in which event the facts of the suspension of the service and reasons shall be notified on the initial page.

③ The “website” may limit or suspend the provision of the service if it cannot provide the service due to natural disasters or force majeure as such.

Article 6 (Privacy Protection)

① The “website” collects minimum personal information necessary to provide the service when collecting the users’ personal information.

② When collecting and using personal information of the users, the “website” notifies the users of the purpose and obtain their consent.

③ The “website” cannot use the collected personal information for any purposes other than the stated purposes, and when a new purpose of use occurs or it is provided to a third party, the users are notified of the purpose and their consents are obtained in the use and provision phases. However, exceptions apply in the cases where there are other stipulations of the relevant laws and regulations.

④ The “website” shall specify or notify in advance matters provided under Article 22 Paragraph 2 of the “Act on the Promotion of Information Network Use and Information Protection, Etc.” such as the identity (affiliation, name, telephone number, and other contact information) of the person in charge of the personal information management, purpose of collecting and using the information, and matters concerning the provision of information on the third party, and the users can withdraw their consent at any time.

⑤ The “website” or any third party that receives personal information from it shall destroy the personal information without any delay when it has achieved the purpose of collecting or receiving the personal information.

Article 7 (Obligations of the “Website”)

① The “website” shall not commit any acts prohibited by laws and regulations or contrary to public order, and shall endeavor to the extent possible to provide contents and experiential products continuously and stably as stipulated by these Terms and Conditions.

② The “website” shall have a security system to protect the users’ personal information (including credit information) so that they can use the Internet service safely.

③ The “website” shall be liable to compensate the users for any damages caused by any unlawful display and advertisements provided under Article 3 of the “Act on the Fairness of Display and Advertisement” concerning the contents and experiential products.

④ The “web site” does not send commercial emails for for-profit purposes which the users do not want.

Article 8 (User’s Obligations) The users shall not commit the following acts.

① Entering false information when registering or making changes

② Stealing of others’ information

③ Changing the information posted on the “website”

④ Transmission or posting of information (computer programs, etc.) other than the information determined by the “website”

⑤ Infringement of intellectual property rights including the copyrights of the “website” and other third parties

⑥ Any other acts that may damage or disrupt the reputation or business of the “website” and any third party;

⑦ Disclosure or posting to the “website” of any information such as obscenity or violent messages, images, voices, or others that may be against good public order and customs.

Article 9 (Reversion of Copyrights and Restrictions on Use)

① The copyrights and other intellectual property rights for the works and products created by the “website” shall revert to the “website.”

② The users shall not use information reverting to the “website” obtained by using the “website” to for any for-profit purposes or allow or enable any third party to use the same without prior consent of the “website” by means such as copying, transmitting, publishing, distributing, broadcasting and other methods.

③ The “website” shall notify users when using copyrighted material reverted to the users in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of Use.

Article 10 (Dispute Resolution)

① The “website” shall install and operate a damage compensation processing organization to reflect legitimate opinions and complaints filed by the users and compensate for the damages incurred.

② The “website” shall prioritize handling matters pertinent to the complaints and opinions submitted by the users. However, if prompt handling is not feasible, it shall promptly notify the users of the reasons and the handling schedule immediately.

Article 11 (Jurisdiction and Governing Law)

① Any dispute that arises between the “website” and the users shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the district court having jurisdiction over the address of the users at the time of filing a suit, and in the absence of an address, over the residence of the users. However, if the address or residence of the users at the time of filing a suit is not clear, or for the residents of foreign countries, they shall submit their case to the court having jurisdiction under the Civil Procedure Act.

② The laws of Korea shall apply to the lawsuits filed by and between the “website” and the users.